Many ageing Australians fear getting dementia. Some will often worry that minor signs of confusion are a sign of early dementia e.g. forgetting the name of someone you just met. Understanding the difference between normal ageing and early signs of dementia can take away some of that stress.
Dementia Australia identify ten warning signs of dementia and suggest that if there are several you say 'yes' to, you should speak with your doctor and request a full assessment.
Recent memory loss
Difficulty performing familiar tasks
Problems with language
Disorientation of time and place
Poor or decreased judgement
Problems with abstract thinking
Misplacing things
Changes in mood or behaviour
Changes in personality
Loss of initiative
For more information on these warning signs, please head to www.dementia.org.au/information/diagnosing-dementia or tune into episode 14 of The Truth About Ageing podcast - available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or through the Podcast page on this website.